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Bill Timcheck' s Page

Bill Timcheck' s Page
Photos on this page courtesy of Bill Timcheck

Bill Timcheck and Allen VanTassel
 Part of the FDC crew

Bill Timcheck at 19 at LZ Nancy

Joe McCann and Henry McVay Christmas 1968

Bill Timcheck, Ronnie Goodrich,?, Ed Dennis,Doc, Henry MacVay

Gun crew #2

LT. Bennington, XO

Mass at Con Tien Nov 1968

Bill Hass serves at mass

Basketball Game as LZ Nancy
Fly United
Gun #6 at LZ Nancy
LT Ammunson and Joe Macann at Don Hue

SSG Powell's gun was hit by 122mm rockets at Con Tien early Dec1968

Giving kids some candy
Henry MacVay and Ronnie Goodrich

LT Anderson

LZ Nancy

Mike Castaldo and Henry in Indian country west of LZ Nancy

Moving through Don Hue from LZ Nancy to Con Tien Sep1968

SGT Pete Hillman, SGT Dennis Moergen, and Robbie Sida

LT Anderson, LT?, Spc5 Robertson, LT Bennington

Zig zag man just got painted at Don Hue Aug 1968

Spanky at LZ Nancy

Joe Macann at the chart

SFC Sefferino Romero/Christmas Day 1969

Left:  SFC Sefferino Romero
Christmas 1969

XO lLT Dan Ward said, "He was, by far, the best mess sergeant I ever saw.  Troops came from everywhere to eat in our mess hall.  We fed 200 - 300 men on a regular basis.  C Btry consumed more food than the rest of the battalion."