Executive Board Member & National Secretary


John Estrada National Secretary - Diana
P O Box 5764
Oroville, CA 95966-8823
H-530-589-9897 C: 530-990-2575
e:  whitewater50@hotmail.com
Co A, 1/61 Infantry


Membership Application


The National Secretary is the Statistical Officer of the Society, being responsible for keeping complete and up-to-date files of the names, addresses, and former military organizations of members of the Society, including the mailing addresses for the Red Diamond quarterly magazine. The National Secretary keeps a list of names and addresses of all parties with whom the Society deals. The National Secretary is responsible for keeping the minutes of all meetings of the Society, keeps a file of all correspondences of the Society, and is responsible that all members of the Society are properly notified of all meetings of the Society in time for them to act on the notification. Contact the National Secretary to become a member of the Society, or to change your current membership information.