C Btry, 5th Bn 4th Field Artillery, Vietnam     |     home

Pete Zielenski's Story Behind the Photo

A photo of C/5/4 FA  near Khe Sanh during operation Dewey Canyon II from Time magazine, February 15, 1971, page 24.  In the article, entitled "Indochina:  A Cavalryman's Way Out", Operation Dewey Canyon II, the general situation in Vietnam during this time frame, and the search for an end to this tragic conflict are described.

"The officer walking along the edge of the road is me (Bn XO, 5th Bn 4th FA Group) and I had just gotten the battery turned around at Khe Sanh Combat Base as they had taken a wrong turn down a road leading into an old mine field.   I recall the situation so clearly because I saw Jack Harnett taking the picture and later was shown the article by BG John Hill in a private meeting in his mobile quarters where he politely but very seriously chewed my butt for having my flack vest open."

Peter T Zielenski, LTC Retired