Lam Son 719
Foreword by CSM(r) Gary Huber
For those of
us who served with the First Brigade, Fifth Mech (Infantry) Division
during the early and middle years of the Brigade's time in Quang
Tri, the Lam Son 719 operation, Combat After Action Reports (CAAR's)
and Order of Battle are unlike anything we saw or participated in.
The scale of the operation, measured in combat units, logistical
requirements, supporting fires and men are unbelievable for a
Brigade size unit. With attachments the First Brigade almost doubled
its size and combat power. Indeed, no other US / ARVN operations of
the Vietnam War come close to the enemy KIA estimated (by some
Military Historians) to be 20,000 during Lam Son 719.
Thank you to Keith
Short, who served with 1st Platoon, Company C, First Battalion,
Eleventh Infantry Regiment during Lam Son 719, for the Lam Son 719
CAAR, the miscellaneous inclosures, the Quang Tri Province casualty
names added to the Significant Events inclosure of the CAAR , and
the ARVN Monograph Order of Battle for LS 719. Questions or comments
regarding these documents and their sources may be directed to Keith
Short, National Historian.
Note to
Historians and Researchers
- minor changes in formatting of transcribed information for
internet display has changed the line count on individual pages of
the COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT. Every effort has been made to
maintain the accuracy of each sentence and paragraph of the CAAR.
Items enclosed in [brackets] are deviations from the original
transcription and are inserted to show corrections in spelling,
acronyms, abbreviations, errors in fact or evidence. The Lam Son 719
Order of Battle from the Indochina Monographs Lam Son 719 by Major
General Nguyen Duy Hinh, is presented only to provide perspective of
the First Brigade's role in the operation and is not part of the 1st
Brigade CAAR.
-1. Name and Type of Operation
-2. Dates of Operation
-3. Location
-4. Command Headquarters
-5. Reporting Officer
-6. Task Organization
-7. Supporting Forces
-8. Intelligence
-9. Mission
-10. Concept of Operation
-11. Execution
-12. Results
-13. Administrative Matters
-14. Special Equipment and Techniques
-15. Commander's Analysis
-Inclosure 1 - Units Available |
Inclosure 8. Chronological Listing of
Significant Events
-Inclosure 9. Friendly Equipment
-Inclosure 10. Enemy Equipment Losses
-Inclosure 11. Unit Strengths
-Inclosure 12. Replacements
-Inclosure 13. Friendly Casualties
Note: The map overlay inclosures for enemy disposition
and friendly AO boundaries, Inclosures 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, are
not included with the Lam Son 719 CAAR on this web site.
-Miscellaneous - Not Part of 5th ID CAAR
-----ARVN Monograph Order of Battle
-----101st Lam Son 719 (excerpt)
-----General Donn A. Starry Critique