Task Organization, US XXIV Corps for Lam Son 719 from the:
Indochina Monographs "Lam Son 719" Major
General Nguyen Duy Hinh:
[Note: 1st Brigade, 5th Infantry
Division units are bold]
Hq, XXIV Corps
108th Arty Gp
8th Bn, 4th Arty
2nd Bn, 94th Arty
1st Bn, 39th Arty (-) (D-30)
1st Bn, 44th Arty AWSP (-)
45th Engr Gp (OPCON D-13 to D+23)
14th Engr Bn (CBT)
630th Engr Co (LW)
511th Engr Co (PB)
59th Engr Co (-) (LC)
27th Engr Bn (CBT) (-)
591st Engr Co (LE)
504th MP Bn (-)
300th MP Co (OPCON)
212th CAB
131st Surv Aerial Co
220th Recon Airplane Co
101st Abn Div (Ambl) (-)
2d Bn (Ambl) 11th Arty
2d Bn (Ambl) 319th Arty
4th Bn, 77th AFA (Ambl)
Co B, 326th Engr Bn (Ambl)
1st Bde, 101st Abn Div (Ambl) (Res)
3d Bde, 101st Abn Div (Ambl) (D+30) to D+67)
1st Bn, 501st Abn Inf (D+25) to D+67)
2nd Bn, 502 Abn Inf (OPCON 3d Bde,
101st Abn Div) (D+26 to D+67)
1st Bn, 506th Abn Inf (D+47 to D+67)
2d Bn, 327th Abn Inf (D+29 to D+48)
TF 326th (-) (OPCON) (D-1 to D+67)
Co A, 326th Engr Bn (Ambl) (+)
59th EOD Det (-)
101st Combat Aviation Group
101st Avn Bn (AH) (Ambl) (D-1 to D+67)
158th Avn Bn (AH) (Ambl) (D-1 to D+67)
159th Avn Bn (D-1 to D+67)
14th Avn Bn (OPCON D+2 to D+67)
71st AHC (D+25 to D+59)
116th AHC (D+34 to D+36 & D+50
to D+ 53)
174th AHC (D+25 to D+67)
132d ASHC (D+25 to D+63)
223d Avn Bn HHC (OPCON) (D+2 to D+67)
48th AHC (D+2 to D+67)
173d AHC (D+2 to D+67)
282d AHC (D+34 to D+36 & D+50 to D+51)
235th AWC (D+38 to D+56)
238th AWC (D+2 to D+56)
D/227th AWC (D+28 to D+66)
179th ASHC (D+23 to D+66)
756th Med
2d Sqdn (Ambl), 17th Air Cav
C/7/17 Cav Sqdn (OPCON)
B/7/17 Cav Sqdn (OPCON)
67th Med Gp
237th Med Det
571st Med Det
34th Gen Spt Gp (-)
34th Avn Det (DS)
34th Co Spt Gp (AM&S)
58th Trans Bn
610th SG Trans Co
142d DS Trans Co
263d GS Avel Co
MHHS 463d, 1st MAW (OPCON D+1)
1st Bde, 5th Inf Div (Mech) (+) (OPCON 101st Abn Div
(Ambl) D+32 to D+67)
1st Bn, 11th Inf (Mech)
3d Bn, 187th Abn Inf, 101st Abn Div (OPCON D-1 to D+67)
1st Bn, 61st Inf (Mech) (OPCON 101st
Abn Div (Ambl) (D+26 to D+31 and D+57 to D+67) (11th Bde, 23d Div D+32
to D+56)
3d Sqdn, 5th Cav
1st Bn, 77th Armor
5th Bn, 4th Arty (DS)
1st Bn, 82nd Arty (1) 23d Div (Atch) (DS) (D-1)
Co A, 4th Bn, 12th Armor [Webmaster's
opinion- should read Trp A, 4th Sqdn, 12th CAV]
Co A, 7th Engr
Co P, 75th Ranger
298th Sig Co
Co B, 23d Med Bn, 23d Div (OPCON D+31 to D+48)
75th Support Bn
Trp F, 8th Cav (OPCON D+2 to D+67)
11th Bde, 23d Inf Div (OPCON 101st Abn Div (Ambl) D-32 to D+66)
1st Sqdn, 1st Cav (OPCON) 1st Bde, 5th Inf
Div (Mech) D-1 to D+56) (OPCON 101st Abn Div (Ambl) D+67)
2d Bn, 1st Inf (D+21)
4th Bn, 3d Inf, 23d Inf Div (OPCON 1st Bde,
5th Inf Div (Mech) D-1 to D+56)
H Troop, 17th Cav
Co C, 26th Engr Bn
6th Bn, 11th Arty (-)
Btry C, 1st Bn, 82d Arty
Btry C, 6th Bn, 11th Arty
Btry A, 3d Bn, 82d Arty
26th GSG
8th Trans Gp
39th Trans Bn
57th Trans Bn
Co C, 11th Motor
Trans Bn (+)
2d Maint Bn
63d Maint Bn
FSA Maint Bn
FSA 26-1
FSA 26-2
[END] |