C Btry, 5th Bn 4th Field Artillery, Vietnam     |     home
Executive Officers
Executive Officers
1LT Bennington
1LT Tommy L. Atwell
1LT Gaylen Byker
1LT Ed Sugawa
1LT Dan M. Ward
1LT Glenn Malm
CPT Lawrence D. Meier
1LT Robert Dudley

If you have information or good photos on any of the above, please contact us.

1LT Dan Ward, XO, C/5/4 FA
XO, 1LT Ward performing crater analysis of rocket fired at C-2 from Rocket Ridge.  You missed!
Holding 300,000 round to be fired from base piece, Gun 3.  He says they did fuse the round before firing.

1LT Dan Ward completed his tour of duty in RVN after serving as AXO and then XO of Charlie Battery and finally Bn FDO of 5/4 FA.  His tour with Charlie Battery was from September 1969 through July 1970.  His DEROS was September 3, 1970.


December 1, 1970
1LT Glenn Malm completed his Viet Nam tour at C-2 in December of 1970.
One of the only pictures extant of this officer without his golf club!


XO Post Bunker

Executive Officer,  CPT Lawrence D. Meier, DEROS 22 Sep 1971, C-2, Dewey Canyon II


1LT Robert "Bob" Dudley
Last Charlie Battery Executive Officer prior to inactivation before leaving RVN
COL Dudley retired in 1997 from the Army at Fort Leavenworth, KS after 29
years of active service. From 1985-1987, he commanded the 3rd Bn, 35th FA
(8" SP) , 72d FA Brigade in Wertheim, Germany.