C Btry, 5th Bn 4th Field Artillery, Vietnam     |     home
Check Point Charlie
Check Point Charlie

Just a wide spot on highway 9 enroute to Laos
RSOP complete.  Call the XO to bring the battery forward
Better dig in.  That was close.  Or, was it?   1SG, what did you do?
FDC setting up.
Some of the guys at Check Point Charlie
Ammo resupply at CP Charlie

We moved across to the other side of highway 9 and the 59th Land Clearing Company dug Charlie Battery in at CP Charlie!
Rome Plow at CP Charlie
Berm under construction around a howitzer
Hull down off the skyline
Towering hardwood tree in the gun's field of fire.  No sweat, first break a few axe handles, then send 59th Land Clearing Rome Plow to fell that tree.  Thanks, 59th!
Bunkers in B-52 bomb craters at CP Charlie got us off the sky line and provided cover from direct fire
That 81mm mortar we inherited from the Marines came in handy for self illlumination.

Well dug in but watch those gun tubes at shoulder level!
FDC down in a bomb crater with a ramp in and a ramp out.  When we split the btry we just left the tent extension and rolled the M577 FDC

State Flags appeared at CP Charlie
We even had a shower
at CP Charlie
Our neighbors, the helicopter FARRP
Chinook with a sling load
Remains of a chopper hit by an RPG or mortar at the FARRP one evening at dusk
Close up of remains of seat.  The crew escaped.
Another chopper at the FARRP.  One chopper managed to fly away.  
Examining the RPG dud and a mortar crater

We did some close in patrolling around our perimeter.  It was thick!  We also set listening posts.
After posting overwatch security we bathed and washed clothes in the river.

Promotion of 2LT Robert "Bob" Dudley to 1LT
by LTC John J. Ridgeway, Jr., Bn Cdr of 5th Bn 4th FA
 assisted by 1SG Ira J. Royal.
FDC Section, Check Point Charlie
Bob Dudley enjoying some down time at Check Point Charlie